Clear For Take Off With Carbon Offsets - Reforestation In Nicaragua Taking Root

As your interests have brought you to a page focused on travel, I'll go out on a limb and suggest your horizons are more global than some, and travel means the world to you. We're also passionate about folks leaving home, meeting and sharing with cultures different than their own.

This air travel, that has brought us closer,  faster, has been at a considerable cost to our sustainability, and all of us as travel stakeholders can do our part to lessen the impact of that on our planet. We've spent some time considering the costs, and the benefits. It is calculable, and definitely worth your consideration.

The airlines also are working at reducing their negative impacts, and increasing their efficiencies – "There is no alternative to aviation when it comes to long distance and low carbon travel. Carbon offsetting can therefore be seen as an immediate, direct and pragmatic means to encourage action to limit climate change impacts, at least in the short-term." IATA

There are several pages where you can measure the CO2 result of your flight, and means by which to offset that... "In simple terms, offsetting one tonne of carbon means there will be one less tonne of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than there would otherwise have been. It is the fastest way to achieve emissions reductions and the only way to achieve carbon neutrality." Climate Care

Another page useful for understanding, measuring, and offsetting the CO2 pollution of your flight is to... "Calculate your flight’s CO₂ footprint and offsetting costs in renewable energy projects." Atmosfair

Here in Nicaragua, there is a widely recognized project Taking Root that bridges your concern for the negative effects of CO2 with a positive affect upon our community in our world.
News From Taking Root

Average Household CO2 Emissions
Europe 11.5 mt
Canada 25 mt
US 48mt

Report: Global tourism carbon footprint quantified in world first


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